Pediatric Skilled Nursing for Comprehensive Care
Our team of experienced nurses are dedicated to promoting and restoring your child’s well-being through comprehensive care programs. Our nurses collaborate with physicians and multidisciplinary team members to provide support to your child and family.
What are the Roles of our Nursing Staff?
Medication & Treatment
Our skilled nurses expertly administer medications and treatments as prescribed by physicians. They closely monitor the effects of these interventions and communicate with your child's physician when necessary to optimize care and comfort.
Vital Signs & Assessments
Our nurses conduct regular checks of vital signs, including heart rate, oxygen saturation, and blood pressure. Comprehensive assessments ensure early detection of changes in your child's condition for prompt intervention.
Nutrition & Feeding Support
Our nurses assist with feeding, including enteral feeding support. They monitor nutritional intake and collaborate with specialists to implement and adjust nutritional plans for your child's growth and development.
Respiratory Care
Our nurses are trained in respiratory care, including airway management, oxygen administration, and trach changes. Asthma management plans are available to prevent and address exacerbations, promoting respiratory health.
Specialized Care Management
We provide specialized care, including wound care, diabetes management, and ostomy care, ensuring every task is performed with attention to your child's comfort and safety.
Therapeutic Support
Our nurses assist with movement and positioning, collaborating with therapy teams to implement recommendations. This ensures consistent care and helps your child achieve their therapeutic goals.
Benefits of PPEC Skilled Nursing Care
Specialized Pediatric Expertise
Our skilled pediatric nurses have specialized training and experience in caring for your children’s unique health needs, ensuring age-appropriate and developmentally suitable care.
Personalized Care Plans
Your child receives a tailored care plan, addressing their specific medical needs, developmental goals, and your family preferences for optimal outcomes.
Continuous Monitoring & Assessment
Our nurses provide dedicated observation, allowing for early detection of changes in a child’s condition and prompt intervention, when necessary.
Family Education and Support
Our experienced nurses are available to provide education on care techniques, equipment use, emergency protocol, medication management, and health maintenance, empowering you to actively participate in your child’s care and long-term well-being.
We'll be happy to answer any questions